Viewers will access the films through the KANOPY film streaming service
卡诺比可以通过波士顿公共图书馆的电子卡计划和许多当地的公共图书馆(三明治, Mashpee, Woods Hole, Wellfleet, P-Town.) CCCC的学生,教师和工作人员可以访问威尔肯斯图书馆Kanopy. If your local public library does not offer Kanopy, all residents of Massachusetts can register for a BPL ecard. Find out more here:
Log in to your library account at any of these libraries, search for Kanopy and the current film, and watch it at your leisure before the Zoom discussion dates.
如有兴趣参加虚拟FF系列活动,请与Cindy联系: and you will receive the weekly Zoom link for the discussion.
How To Be a Good Wife – la bonne épouse | France | 2020
Zoom Discussion Date: January 23
保利特·范·德·贝克在她的家庭主妇学院热情地教授养家糊口和坚忍地履行夫妻责任的技巧. Her certainties are shaken when she finds herself widowed and ruined. 是初恋的回归还是1968年5月的自由之风让她心烦意乱? What if the good wife finally became a free woman?
导演:马丁·普洛斯特| 109分钟|法文,英文字幕.
Miracle | Romania | 2021
Zoom Discussion Date: January 30
一个年轻的修女偷偷溜出她的修道院去参加一个紧急的事情,但从来没有让它回来. A police detective's investigation uncovers revelations.
导演:波格丹·乔治·阿佩特里| 118分钟|罗马尼亚语,配有英文字幕.
The Orator | New Zealand | 2012
Zoom Discussion Date: February 6
《bet365体育平台》(O Le Tulafale)是一部det365中文勇气、宽恕和爱的当代戏剧. Small in stature and humble, 塞利和他心爱的妻子和女儿在一个偏僻的地方过着简朴的生活, traditional village in the islands of Samoa. Forced to protect his land and family, 赛利必须面对他的恐惧,寻求为他所爱的人说话的权利.
导演:图西·塔马塞塞| 111分钟|萨摩亚语,英文字幕.
London River | UK/Algeria | 2009
Zoom Discussion Date: February 13
7月7日,一位来自根西岛的母亲前往伦敦, 2005年,在没有收到住在那个地区的女儿的消息后,发生了恐怖袭击. 被大都市的混乱和被以穆斯林为主的社区包围所困扰, she crosses paths with Ousmane, a West African who has come from France to find his missing son, and learns that her own daughter was converting to Islam. Although from very different backgrounds, this unlikely pair shares the same hope to find their children alive. Putting aside their cultural differences, 他们给予彼此继续探索的力量,并保持对人性的信仰.
导演:拉希德·布查雷布| 88分钟|英语、法语、阿拉伯语,字幕不公开.
Earth Mama | United States | 2023
Zoom Discussion Date: February 20
With two children in foster care, Gia, a pregnant single mother pitted against the system, fights to reclaim her family. In her close-knit Bay Area community, she works to make a life for herself and her kids, in this singular debut feature from filmmaker Savanah Leaf. A glowing breakout at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival.
导演:Savanah Leaf | 101分钟|英文字幕.
Zora Neale Hurston: Claiming a Space | United States | 2023
Sepideh wants to become an astronaut. She spends her nights exploring the secrets of the universe, while her family will do anything to keep her on the ground. 一个年轻伊朗女性的期望与Sepideh的野心大不相同, and her plans to go to university are in danger. But Sepideh holds on to her dream. 她接受了战斗,并与世界上第一位女性太空游客Anousheh Ansari合作. 获得圣丹斯电影节世界电影纪录片评审团大奖提名.
导演:贝瑞特·马德森| 87分钟|英语、波斯语、波斯语,配有英文字幕.
Cinema Sabaya | Palestine/Israel | 2021
Zoom Discussion Date: March 19
一群巴勒斯坦和以色列妇女参加了Rona在一个小镇社区中心举办的视频研讨会, a young filmmaker from Tel Aviv, who teaches them to document their lives. As each student shares footage from her home life with the others, their beliefs and preconceptions are challenged, and barriers are broken down. The group comes together as mothers, daughters, wives, and women living in a world designed to keep them apart, 当他们更多地了解彼此和自己时,形成了一种强大而持久的联系. Cinema Sabaya 展现了艺术团结不同社区的能力, 在他们严肃的谈话和这群不太可能的朋友的真正快乐之间毫不费力地移动.
导演:奥里特·福克斯·罗特姆| 95分钟|阿拉伯语和希伯来语,配有英文字幕.
Writing With Fire | India | 2021
Zoom Discussion Date: March 26
In a news landscape dominated by men, Kabar Lahariya emerges as India's only newspaper run by Dalit women. Armed with smartphones, 首席记者米拉和她的团队在印度最大问题的前线打破传统, redefining the meaning of power. “这可能是有史以来最鼓舞人心的新闻电影,”《bet365体育平台》写道.
导演:Rintu Thomas, Sushmit Gosh | 96分钟|印地语,英文字幕.
Ma Ma | Spain | 2015
Zoom Discussion Date: April 2
奥斯卡影后佩内洛普·克鲁兹演绎了她职业生涯中最精彩的玛格达一角, 面对最近的乳腺癌诊断,一个女人决心要过充实的生活. Cruz was nominated for Best Lead Actress at the Goya Awards.
导演:胡里奥·梅德姆| 111分钟|西班牙语,英文字幕.
Oranges and Sunshine | Australia | 2011
Zoom Discussion Date: April 9
This is the story of Margaret Humphreys (Emily Watson), 一位来自诺丁汉的社会工作者,他揭露了最近最重大的社会丑闻之一:数千名儿童从英国被驱逐到澳大利亚. Almost single-handedly, against overwhelming odds and with little regard for her own well-being, Margaret reunited thousands of families, brought authorities to account, and drew worldwide attention to an extraordinary miscarriage of justice.
Director(s): Jim Loach | 106 minutes | In English with closed captions.
The Son of Joseph | France | 2016
Zoom Discussion Date: April 16
A nativity story reboot that gently skewers French cultural pretensions, following a discontented Parisian teenager in search of a father. Ben Kenigsberg of the The New York Times writes, “…builds to a lovely finale that evokes the Bible, the French Resistance, and the surreal.”
导演:欧格伦·格林| 113分钟|法文,英文字幕.
The Tobacconist | Germany | 2019
Zoom Discussion Date: April 23
17岁的弗朗茨来到维也纳,在一家烟草店当学徒. There he meets Sigmund Freud, a regular customer, and over time the two very different men form a singular friendship.
When Franz falls desperately in love with the music-hall dancer Anezka, he seeks advice from the renowned psychoanalyst, 他承认女性对他来说和对弗朗茨一样是个谜. 随着纳粹抵达维也纳,奥地利的政治和社会状况急剧恶化, Franz, Freud, and Anezka are swept into the maelstrom of events. Each has a big decision to make: to stay or to flee?
导演:尼古劳斯·莱特纳| 113分钟|德语、捷克语,英文字幕.
Jafar Panahi’s Taxi | Iran | 2015
Zoom Discussion Date: April 30
国际知名导演贾法尔·帕纳西(Jafar Panahi)驾驶一辆黄色出租车穿过德黑兰充满活力的街道, 在一天内接一群不同的(但有代表性的)乘客. Each man, woman, and child candidly expresses his or her own view of the world, while being interviewed by the curious and gracious driver/director. His camera, placed on the dashboard of his mobile film studio, 该片捕捉到了伊朗社会的一个鲜活片段,同时也精彩地重新定义了喜剧的边界, drama, and cinema.